 * Release Notes: SquirrelMail 1.4.20RC1                         *
 * The "Empire's Dying Breath" Release                           *
 * 12 Aug 2009                                                   *

In this edition of SquirrelMail Release Notes:
   * All about this Release!
   * Security issues
   * Locales / Translations / Charsets
   * Reporting your favorite SquirrelMail bug

All about this release

This release addresses a security hole, removes the use of some
deprecated PHP functions, fixes a problem in the filters plugin
and addresses some privacy issues. 

Because of the somewhat invasive nature of the changes required
for the security and deprecation issues addressed herein, we are
issuing a "release candidate" before we officially move to version
1.4.20.  While we have been very careful to ensure the stability
of SquirrelMail, this version, 1.4.20 release candidate 1, has
undergone limited testing, and we'd like to have more feedback
before we make version 1.4.20 final.

For a complete list of changes, please see the file "ChangeLog"
in the doc/ directory.

Security issues

All form submissions (send message, change preferences, etc.) in
SquirrelMail were previously subject to cross-site request forgery
(CSRF), wherein data could be sent to them from an offsite location,
which could allow an attacker to inject malicious content into user
preferences or possibly send emails without user consent.  This
issue is tracked as Secunia Advisory SA34627.

Two fixes for this issue are available as of SquirrelMail 1.4.20RC1.
A security token system is enabled by default which protects all
page requests that change user state in any meaningful way.  An
additional page referal verification system is available but not
enabled by default due to the less controllable nature of the
page "referer" (sic) that is sent by most browsers.  In many cases,
it can be enabled without trouble, which can be done with the
configuration tool or in the SquirrelMail configuration file.  The
administrator can also disable the security token system therein,
which we DO NOT recommend.

Locales / Translations / Charsets

Translations are not a part of the main SquirrelMail package.  They
are downloaded separately; you can obtain all languages in one
package or get an individual language.  You can find these packages
on our web site.  They also contain installation instructions.

Reporting your favorite SquirrelMail bug

We constantly aim to make SquirrelMail even better. So we need you to
submit any bug you come across! However, before you do so, please have
a look at our various support resources to make sure the issue isn't
already known or solved:


You should also search existing tracker items for your issue (remember
to check for CLOSED and PENDING items as well as OPEN ones) - if you
find such an (open) item, please do add any more details you have to
it to help us fix and close the bug report.

When reporting a new bug, please mention what SquirrelMail release(s)
it pertains to, and list as many details about your system as possible,
including your IMAP server and web server details.


Thanks for your cooperation! This helps us to make sure nothing slips
through the cracks. 

Any questions about installing or using SquirrelMail can be directed
to our user support list:


When posting support requests there, please carefully follow our posting


If you want to join us in coding SquirrelMail, or have other things to
share with the developers, join the development mailinglist:


                  Happy SquirrelMailing!

                    - The SquirrelMail Project Team